Luxury That Thrives on Sustainability

Welcome to

White House Avenue

Elevate your living standard
White House Avenue, a state-of-the-art housing scheme has been created to bridge the gap between luxury and environment-friendly living. WHA aims to accentuate the standard of living by providing a combination of class and comfort. It has been specifically designed while keeping sustainable living practices into consideration. Modern facilities and amenities at economical rates perfectly compliment luxurious living within a budget.

Venture into Sustainable & Luxurious Living

Modernized & Sustainable Real Estate

WHA believes in giving back to the environment. We offer EV chargers for your cars and use solar energy to facilitate the electricity supply.

Parks & Gym

Four beautiful, refreshing Parks located near the jogging tracks act as a breeze of cool air for the residents. Mayawaki Garden produce more oxygen relatively. 

Rainwater harvest tanks

Two rainwater harvest tanks are installed in the society that conserve water and reduce water bills by collecting and storing rainwater for later use.

Central Commercial Area

Top notch commercial areas to facilitate the residents on prime locations to help ease access for them. 

Cycling & Jogging Tracks

As WHA strictly believes in healthy lifestyle, we have provided a 5ft cycling track accompanied by a jogging track to facilitate the residents.


One magnificent mosque is located in the society for the people. The location is easily accessible for the residents.

smart security system

We ensure round the clock security for you and your family so you spend your time comfortably no matter what the time.

Water Filtration Plants

To provide pure drinking water to the residents, several filtration plants have been installed by the society. 

“I recently moved into the "White House Avenue" and have been thoroughly impressed with my experience so far. The facilities are well-maintained and clean. The community atmosphere is friendly and welcoming, making it easy to connect with neighbours and feel at home. The best thing is the easy access to everything. Overall, I am very happy with my decision to live in this housing society and would highly recommend it to others.”

Hamza bilal, resident of white house avenue

created to bridge the gap between luxury and environment-friendly living.

Our housing society offers a luxurious living experience with a focus on environmental responsibility. We promote eco-friendly living through renewable energy sources and efficient resource management. Come and experience the perfect balance between luxury and sustainability.